Week 6 - Game World, Polish

This is the "last" week of developing Ninja Wizards so I wanted to clean everything up and bring it into a complete state that is ready to be released. I am very happy with how much I have achieved this week.

Play World

I managed to create a completely new scene in this one week which will serve as the main stage for the player to test their strength and battle enemies as shown by Fig.1 and Fig.2. I did not want to leave just a tutorial world with a rough endgame. I wanted to the player reward for mastering their skills with their powers. This new scene provides a unique and open arena to allow players to explore their abilities and test their limits. I am extremely impressed by myself how I was able to quickly craft this stage. It was not hard at all, especially considering I was able to copy over all the nitty and code-y bits from the tutorial world.

Fig.1 - Play world map from editor view

Fig.2 - Play world from gameplay view

Fig.3 shows in the top right corner the player getting a point for each enemy they kill. In this example, I show the text colour changing to show the player that they are doing really well when reach certain checkmarks.

Fig.3 - Player score incrementing after enemy is killed

Enemy AI

The AI this week was really hard to polish up. Despite them being "simple", they have a hard time running as intended. Fig.4 shows the hardest thing I had to deal with, which was the AI's animations. I wanted clean and accurate animations from the enemy to ensure that the player would not be confused by their movements. A mechanic of the game involves seeing enemies "charge up" before attacking so that you can potentially perform a parry. The following figures (Fig.4-6) show just some of the animation bugs.

Fig.4 - Enemy swordsman spinning constantly

Fig.5 - Enemy swordsman randomly attacking without showing animation

Fig.6 - Enemy mage unable to change direction and constantly stuck in walking animation

Eventually, the majority of problems had been fixed. Fig.5 also shows enemies getting stuck on each other, so I removed collisions between them which barely changed anything other than making their pathing much cleaner.

Overall, I am really happy with what I have finished with.

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